.... well, walking eventually, but for now nibbles & kisses :o)
Big squeeze...
I think we're a little obsessed with our new sister :o)
Watch out for yellow clouds...
Fingers crossed it doesn't rain!
Shoulder races
Hello down there, think I'm going to win this ;o)
A good book...
The pictures are great, not sure about the text!
Little cherub
You guys do the camera thing, I'll make sure Teddy stops foolin' around ;o)
Onesie o'clock
That's when the party starts!
Jumping Jacks!
Another great party session, thank you girls :o)
Loadsa cuddles!
... And a cheeky kiss on the head :o)
What's this?
I see a lady, a lens and some bright lights...
You've been framed!
Hang on, thought this was my party??
Sit back
And be cool for the photo :o)
10m Crawlathon
Future champion in the making.