He's got meI I was going for a half nelson but he's just too quick...
Wow! Have you seen the paws on this guy, they're awesome….
The Conga...
There's always someone trying to get a Conga going at parties!
Bongo barmy!
This is definitely the strangest guitar I've ever played, still - here goes...
She's still behind me with that camera, no matter where I crawl!
Tree hugging
Or is that falling with style? Either way, seems like the perfect opportunity to stick a blade of grass on your face!
Shoulder rides...
Cheaper than a theme park, and let's face it, probably more exciting ;o)
Big grins
And two new teeth!
What a lovely bunch...
All smiles and laughs!
Impressive Skillz…
Or evil clone sorcery on All Hallows' Eve?!? …. m'wah ha ha ha haaa!
Mad hatters!
What do you do at the end of a kicking party, why throw your hats of course!!
Beautifully soft...
…and very tasty!
The 3 amigos
…Framed again!