I've made you a lovely plate of vegetables for supper :)
This looks interesting...
... I'll take a closer look.
.... if it wasn't for those meddling kids!!!
Guess the height of the baby competition...
Yep, you got it, 60cm (just 2 feet).
They don't miss anything at airport security these days...
Oh yeah..
This should turn a few heads...
So, how do you feel about Brexit?
Well, don't get me started!
I've got 6 strings...
... and I'm not afraid to use them!! In fact, I ROCK!
Can you guess how old I am?
.... you got it, 1 day older than yesterday!
Excuse me..
... are you using this trolley?
Bubbles, bubbles everywhere...
... and not a drop of champers in sight!
Seconds away....
... round 1!